Bollywood actors Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt have been busy promoting their upcoming movie Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. Billed as a new era of love, the film is helmed by Karan Johar. The fourth song 'Dhindhora Baje Re' was launched in Kolkata as the song features sindoor khela during Durga Puja. The two were accompanied by Tota Roy Chowdhury and Churni Ganguly.
During the conversation with the media on Monday, Alia Bhatt recalled shooting 'Tum Kya Mile' in freezing Kashmir. She shared that in-between takes, Ranveer would remove his puffer jackets and put them in on her as she was wearing chiffon sarees. She revealed, “In those conditions, I had to wear chiffon sarees, but what many people don’t realise is that the team takes great care of the actor on the set. You don’t see the heaters around, the leg warmers I had on, and how Ranveer, who was wearing jackets, would keep putting them on me in between takes to provide some respite. But I must praise myself a bit, I am a trooper in that sense. I go with the flow and I am always focused on getting the job done. Wearing a puffer jacket over that chiffon saree would have taken away the beauty, so I was happy doing it as I got to live my dream.”
Viacom18 Studios and Dharma Productions present A Dharma Productions film, Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, produced by Hiroo Yash Johar, Karan Johar, and Apoorva Mehta is all set to hit the big screen on 28th July, 2023. ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Alia Bhatt says Sonu Nigam’s ‘Ro Lein De’ song comes at a very important point in Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani: “It’s truly and extremely soulful”
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