With Pathaan creating history and magnum opus projects in her kitty, actress Deepika Padukone is indeed on top of her game. Not only this, but the actress left her fans and admirers across the globe delighted when the 95th Academy Awards announced her name on the list of presenters. Post the announcement, Deepika made her first public appearance at Mumbai airport. Hours later, on Saturday night, the actress was spotted once again at the airport. In the video making rounds on the internet, DP can be seen sporting an uber-cool look. She wore a brown oversized leather jacket teamed up with a black turtle neck top and pair of blue wide-leg denim trousers. She carried a handbag and a pair of oversized sunglasses to accessorise her look. Skipping her usual soft curls or wavy hair, Deepika opted for straight hair in her latest airport look while keeping her makeup minimal. In the video, the actress smiled at shutterbugs before leaving. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Viral Bhayani (@viralbhayani) For the unversed, Padukone is attending the highly anticipated Oscars 2023 event, as one of the presenters. She is the second Indian movie star to attend the prestigious event, after Priyanka Chopra. On the other hand, a couple of projects from India have also been nominated for this year’s ceremony. Shaunak Sen's All That Breathes and Kartiki Gonsalves's The Elephant Whisperers have been nominated for the best documentary and best documentary short awards, respectively. Meanwhile, SS Rajamouli’s masterpiece RRR bagged one for best original song, ‘Naatu Naatu’. The award ceremony will be held on March 12 at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Coming back to Deepika, besides attending Oscars 2023, the actress has quite a busy schedule. She has Fighter, co-starring Hrithik Roshan, and Prabhas-starrer Project K in her kitty. Also Read: Anupam Kher congratulates “student” Deepika Padukone for her Oscars gig and the success of Pathaan
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